Qulkan is a personal project designed to give a quick start to anyone considering using OpenGL or Vulkan as a graphical API. It has been designed to offer a simple and flexible interface for more complex software or research validation tools.
Procaryota is beeing developped in my free time for fun. You incarnate a little cell fighting evil viruses, continuously evolving and trying to make his way through a dangerous environment.
The Lotr Army Companion App is a full-stack Web Application created in React. It has been created for the table-top game Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game and its unofficial extension Battle Companies. It has a full database of all the Middle-Earth characters and an interactive army creation interface allowing you to quickly build up any army you would like to play.
During the course given by Wenzel Jakob at EPFL I extended my ray tracer with various features including a volumetric path tracer and won the 2nd place in the yearly rendering competition.
During the Image and Video processing course (EE550) at EPFL, I implemented different reconstruction algorithms of the plenoptic function. It is mainly based on previous work on Light Field Rendering by Marc Levoy and Ren Ng. This includes a view-based reconstruction, digital refocusing and dynamic aperture change.